The Darra and District RSL Sub-Branch was formed in 1940, with the presentation of the RSL Charter on 4 July 1940. The Sub-Branch has been active in the local community over the years and continues to have a strong partnership with the Darra Cementco Bowls Club. Sub-Branch memorabilia is proudly displayed in the Cementco Bowls Club.

The Sub-Branch prides itself on its active engagement with other cultural groups, including the Polish, Russian and Vietnamese communities. Darra Sub-Branch has proudly participated with its Vietnamese members in the Annual Day of Mourning held on 30 April and arranged by the Vietnamese community in Queensland.

For all you facebook fans, our page known as Darra RSL Sub Branch will be posting news items and matters relevant to the RSL and our Sub Branch. If you want to keep up to date with current news and events, subscribe.

Also a website is on the way, but is not currently active.

Darra RSL Sub-Branch Newsletter – September 2023

Information for members

Darra and District RSL Sub-Branch meets at Cementco Bowls Club, 4 Station Rd DARRA.

Meetings are held on the 2nd Tuesday in each month commencing at 6pm. Social activities are held throughout the year. Further information can be obtained via email on

Pensions and Advocacy support is available through the RSL (Qld Branch) Pensions and Advocacy Office on 134RSL or via email on